What is Intergalactic Gaming?
Intergalactic Gaming (IG) is a UK based blockchain and gaming organisation focused on evolving gaming.
The video game industry has been booming in the last years and it is estimated that the number will grow even more in the next years.

The Intergalactic Gaming team are really focused on the project hes knows how this ecosystem works and really this have a functionality (many uses of case) and bringing this booming industry together with blockchain really is something incredible.
IG Gold (IGG) recently celebrated his first year on the TRON Network
The features of IGG are really incredible, which is why I consider it one of the best projects of the moment.

IG Gold (IGG)
Name: IG Gold
Token Ticker (Abbreviation): IGG
Type: TRC20 Utility Token
Max Supply: 50,000,000,000

Is a TRC-20 Token which empowers IGGalaxy used to drive value exchange between market participants within the IGGalaxy and form a decentralised token economy for competitive gaming, game streaming and esports.

(IGG is the first TRC20 token listed on CoinMarketCap)
Use Cases
Prize Pools
Players who participate in IGGalaxy tournaments will be rewarded with IGG
Establishment of Team
To establish a team 1M of IGG is required, which 50% will be burned
Player Salaries and Bonus
With IGG (through a smart contract) will facilitate the safe payment of salaries and bonuses for competing players
Galactic Grand Exchange (GGE)
IGG will be the primary token used in the GGE to exchange for products or services, such as digital items and merchandise
Loyalty and Reward Systems
The platform will have features that incentivise the co-creation of an inclusive global competitive gaming community
Tournament Entry Deposit
Teams / players must deposit IGG before participating in the competition
Sponsorships and Advertisement
IGG will make strategic sponsorships (Marketing), brands will be able to leverage the IG platform to sponsor teams, players and competition using IGG
Apps and DApps
IGG will be integrated into various Apps and DApps
Teams/players may pay for Subscriptions to access in others tools and features
On the platform you can support your team / player with “Tips” in IGG
Player Transfers
The platform will give the possibility to change a player to another team
IGG Trading Areas
IGG will give the possibility of being traded by Partners Tokens to have a better liquidity for both Tokens economies
IGG really have a lot use cases which is great because it is just the beginning and many new things will come.

Token Value Strategy
The IGG token price is determined by market mechanics (supply and demand) but will be greatly influenced by the value created through utility, governance and development of the network.
The IG platform will operate the following models and mechanisms in order to grow and support the IG token economy:
- “Freemium” Subscription-Based Model
- Service And Asset Sales
- Fee-Based Model (Transactions & Smart Contract Services)
- Incentive Mechanisms. Deflationary Mechanisms
- Reputational Mechanisms
I really think that IGG is a unique opportunity (It has too many positive things and has achieved great things in a short time)

Deflationary Mechanisms / BURN
IGG will be integrating burn functions into various smart contracts across the platform, the establishment of teams being the first
Team Establishment: 1,000,000 IGG (50% fee burned)
Creating IGLabs Power Capsule: 0.02% of IGG stored per capsule is burned
As the number of users increase, and platform activity grows, will see an increased number of teams established. This will in turn result in an increase in the amount of IGG burnt from the circulating IGG supply
This is greatly beneficial to all holders of IGG tokens as the total supply of IGG will be reduced over time. Naturally, there will be complementary incentive mechanisms that encourage users to interact with these smart contracts further supporting the limited deflationary effect

IGGalaxy has been designed to align and optimise the distribution of value in order to achieve a more efficient market that also leverages the powerful network effect of token economies.
The IGG token will be used as an incentive to target participants within the IGGalaxy to behave both in their best interests and those of the greater good of the network at large. It is the market layer that is more relevant to the IG token economy at this stage, although the ledger layer must remain productive and efficient to ensure scalability within the IGGalaxy.

How to register in IGGALAXY?
1.- Go to: https://www.iggalaxy.com/

2.- Give clic in “Sign me up” and fill out the form (Confirm your email)

3.- Choose your username

4.- You can put a Profile picture or keep the default picture

5.- Fill the format “Personal Info”

6.- Choose the platform in where you play and the video games that you play

7.- For security reasons it is recommended that you activate the 2FA

8.- Once you are in the interface you can access in the platform
- In the Q4 we will have access to the Play area
- Now we can access in IGlabs to earn exclusive rewards

9.- Create your wallet (Remember this, is important)

10.- You can create a new wallet or import an existing wallet

11.- Enter the name of your wallet

12.- Put the security phrases

13.- Enter your wallet password (The one you created in step # 9)

14.-All synchronized (Have fun with IGGALAXY)

IGLabs is dedicated to providing fun and rewarding opportunities, which will support the expansion of the IGGalaxy through engagement, innovation and reward for those that participate on the platform.

You can participate in capsules from 100k IGG to 10M of IGG (When you buy a capsule, 0.2% will be burned)

The reward will be greater if you have your capsule frozen for more time (3–30 days)

You can buy your IGG in “DEX” exchanges as:

Among other exchanges and every time IGG is listed in more places to have a better liquidity
IGG Pre-Platform Launch Token Sale
The tokenised model will serve to mitigate the current geographical barriers that affect the exchange of value, ensuring security, speed, and reduced costs for gamers and teams worldwide. As stakeholders interact with the IG ecosystem, this swift exchange of value will be the driving force behind providing sustainable liquidity.
Providing the ability to purchase IGG, at a fixed rate, via a smart contract operating off of the platform provides a number of benefits to the Intergalactic Gaming network.

This is great since if we get to have the price that is estimated for December (0.025 TRX) we would be talking about a pretty good profit and this is thought to be achieved by:
A follow on from the above, direct access to IGG places the token in an accessible place, again reducing a step to entry.
This is important if we want widespread adoption of the IGG token as the platform is launched.
Liquidity is central to any successful token economy IGG is no different.
Due to general volatility in the crypto market, especially with “altcoins” (alternative coins to Bitcoin), acquiring large holdings is somewhat difficult.
This is particularly the case with the IGG token economy in the current state of play. If there is not sufficient liquidity, then orders cannot be filled and spreads are wide this, and fluctuations in price once again produce a barrier.
Support IGG CoinMarketCap (CMC) Rank Growth
The objective of IGG is to break into the top 500 on CMC by the end of the year, with even more ambitious plans for 2020. Increasing the circulating supply whilst supporting a steady price growth will achieve this.
“Bootstrapping” the Network
With the launch of the platform very close, this sale will enable supporting the scaling up and commercialisation of the IGGalaxy.

Intergalactic Gaming (IG) really have a great potential for which I decided to invest in IGG (Remember to do your own research)
I personally like how works IGG they are always active in social networks, showing in the fields that are necessary for success (They show their stats that are really growing), this is very important since basically the community is the one that gives impetus to a project and the IGG community is really friendly.
I had the pleasure of chatting with a Co-Founder of IGG ( Naeem Shabir) and he really surprised me he is basically a genius, are really focused on Intergalactic Gaming and is a very good person, something very positive for IGG since having a really good team we will see great progress.

TRX — TLH2BkWZ834jp6CveUJe5QqGd9eUmP1bqn