What is Automated Market Making (AMM)?
CoinEx is a global and professional digital coin exchange service provide launched in Hong Kong and founded in 2017 by Haipo Yang
The Global Digital Coin Exchange
CoinEx launched a new feature called Automated Market Making (AMM) where market makers can enjoy profits thanks to commissions 💰
Provide liquidity for the CoinEx AMM market and earn passive income ! ✅
On February 3, 2021 CoinEx launched a new service: Automated Market Making Function and supported the CET/USDT, AYA/USDT, LBC/USDT, FCH/USDT and TRTL/USDT markets for AMM 📊
Users provide liquidity and CoinEx will allocate 60% of the commissions for all trading users in the market to all liquidity providers for their contributions to the common fund. Revenues are settled once a day and automatically deposited into the user’s market making account.
How to become a market maker at CoinEx?
The first thing we have to do is click on AMM Account
At the time of this article to improve market liquidity and the development of the ecosystem CoinEx offers AMM support for 54 markets listed on CoinEx 📈
In this section we can select the pair in which we seek to offer liquidity (Some are highly profitable) you can see the return by clicking on “APY” in this way you will see the pairs that currently offer more and less return, in the same way the liquidity that you have provided, the total liquidity, your proportion that you have compared to the total liquidity and the total amount executed of all users in this market in the last 7 days
Once you have decided on a pair you must have the equivalent of 100 USD in each pair that is 100 USD in the cryptocurrency of your choice and another 100 USDT (Minimum investment 200 USD)
In this case we will do the example with CET
We will click on Add
Later we will add the equivalent of 100 USD or more in each pair (Keep in mind that if you want to invest for example 102 USDT you must also invest the equivalent of another 102 USD in CET value)
Once clicking on Add our liquidity will have been added 👨💻
At any time you can remove your contributed liquidity by clicking Remove 🔍
In the Earnings section we can see the daily distribution in the pairs that have provided liquidity ✅
This function is an excellent alternative to diversify your investments and thus be generating more passive income! 📊
Happy Trading!