Bitget Token (BGB) is a good investment?
Established in 2018, Bitget is the world’s largest crypto copy trading platform. Serving over 8 million users in more than 100 countries and regions, the exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter by providing a secure, one-stop trading solution.
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Bitget is an exchange that highlight in recent years and I personally think that has a great future, so is a good option to consider investing in BGB
About BGB:
BGB is the Token native of Bitget, which was launched back in 2021
The total supply of BGB was set at 2b
In the latest update of their Whitepaper they mention a future BGB burning function which I personally think when it starts working the price will rise significantly
We must also highlight that despite having had a bear market, BGB has increased more than 250% in the last year
Let’s talk about how you can generate profits with BGB right now
Bitget Super Airdrop
Hold BGB to get new token airdrops, the more you have, more probability to obtain a greater Airdrop for each listing on the platform
Stake to unleash limitless possibilities, from 100 BGB you can participate in Bitget launchpools (They usually last 7 days and offer an approximate yield of 0.7 to 3.5% each), you can withdraw your BGB whenever you want
Bitget Launchpad
This is the most profitable option, some projects have given up to x200 in returns
There are other options to take benefits such as the “Earn” functions but the 3 above I personally consider to be the best at the time of this post
Not financial advice, but I consider that BGB is a good option, realistically speaking could easily make a 10x in the next bull market
My target price: 5 USD
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